
European meetings for KA2 programmes

European meetings for KA2 programmes

2022 began with a wave of optimism and with the resumption of the mobilities abroad of our staff within the KA2 projects, which provide for the exchange of good practices and the production of innovative outputs.

For the MovAbility project, dedicated to the exchange of good practices to encourage the Erasmus mobility of young people with disabilities, led by FORTES, the partners met in Madrid (here the link of RTVE, the main Spanish radio-television group, that on February 20th broadcasted the news of the meeting:, Sofia (whose busy program was attended from Italy by Marino Bottà too, president of Andel - National Agency for Disabilities and Work,, Wroclaw (where the official event for the conclusion of the activities was held). Bulgaria was also the destination of other meetings: Sofia hosted an event for the CAST project - CApacity building for success - foSTering youth professional realization and employability (which aims to support the occupational adaptation, orientation and professional development of young Balkans ), during which the main structure of the training, which will be dedicated to developing the entrepreneurial skills of the participants, was defined;  Stara Zagora welcomed the kick off meeting of the HED-RES-EU - DIGITIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS IN EUROPE project, which in the field of higher education, aims to develop and transfer experimental and innovative teaching methods to bridge the gap between the growing demand for green skills, specialized in renewable energy, and the skills currently available on the job market. Finally, the final event of the MAKE IT HAPPEN project was held in Lisbon; a funding request has already been submitted for a new edition in 2023-2024 (aimed at further developing the topic of inclusion in ErasmusPlus Programme) in the Call of March. 

FORTES whiteVia Verdi, 64 - Vicenza
tel. +39 0444 327887
Partita IVA 03581700246
R.I. Vicenza n. 03581700246 – REA n. VI 336723
Capitale sociale € 15.000,00 interamente versato


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