
August 2021

FORTES partner in new KA2 project

FORTES is partner of an innovative KA2 project with seven training institutions from Romania and Bulgaria and from the Western Balkan countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia). The... read more..

Accreditation for Key Action 1: deadline on October 19, 2021

If your school has always wished to have the accreditation for participating in the Erasmus+ program, but has never had the opportunity to do, now is the moment. On October 19, 2021, the deadline... read more..

FORTES whiteVia Verdi, 64 - Vicenza
tel. +39 0444 327887
Partita IVA 03581700246
R.I. Vicenza n. 03581700246 – REA n. VI 336723
Capitale sociale € 15.000,00 interamente versato


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